Future of entertainment is also mobile. We’re already starting to see the shift, but it’s going to extend much further than what we have today. In fact, we’d propose that you can say goodbye to your living room for most of your TV viewing. Your TV is going mobile.
It began a few years ago(2000-2004), when mobile devices started picking up the ability to display videos. It wasn’t so long ago that I encoded a file from a DVD, loaded it to the SD card and played it. Though the setup wasn’t ideal, it was exactly what I needed at the time.
Now, some 5 or 6 years later, we have devices that can natively play numerous file types, there are websites that specialize specifically in on-demand video streaming and we’re enjoying that viewing entertainment regardless of where we are.
The Apple iPad . Back when we first heard that companies were developing native players for the handheld device of choice, we were hugely excited. That hasn’t changed since the product came to market. In fact, I can tell you without any hesitation that my laptop does far more of my viewing duties than my TV could ever dream of.

Apple, one of the companies that always seems to have a finger on the pulse of the industry, has introduced AirPlay. AirPlay allows you to stream whatever is on your handheld device to your Apple TV. Why? Because Apple realizes that the majority of our consumption is going mobile, but at times we’ll want to sit and have some couch time as well.

Television manufacturers are also making intelligent moves by bringing our typically mobile content to the TV. We’re seeing integration with Facebook, Pandora, Picasa, linkedin, youtube and more, brought right into our living room. This convergence of our mobile and home-based lives is adding a sense of seamless integration which has taken the TV mobile and brought our mobile lives home.
There are 27 Million Smartphone users in india.
16 Million Streaming Video users on the smartphone.
86% use their mobile devices (smartphone/tablet) in conjunction with watching TV.
36% of all smartphone owners in India are in 16-24 age groups.
Time spent and activities on Smartphones
16-24 yrs 31 + yrs
Total Time spent on the SmartPhone 3 hrs 2 hrs
Total Time spent on Browsing & Entertainment 2 hrs 1 hr

From where we’re sitting, the future looks a lot like what we’ve seen in the past, with variations on how it’s done. For years, we’ve had mobile entertainment systems in our cars. What if, though, an accessories company makes a mount where your iPad can slip into it and be piped through your car’s audio system? What if you can have a show on your iPhone and use nexGTV to play it over your home,vehicle’s or anywhere, anytime and entertainment.
These are the things that we’re likely to see, moving forward. Between 4 and 10-inch devices ruling the market, handheld screens being a pleasure to view for extended periods and the widespread accessibility of data connections, the future of TV is, quite literally, in the palm of your hands system? Wow! Great experience, I love to see mobile TV.
Human being is lazy by nature and they don't want to change their habits. We have aligned and present the mobile TV application to the user so that user is able to use it very easily without changing their habits. That brings the user closer to the mobile TV application and might result in high and longer adoption.